Volunteers from Ford Park have now officially received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service – the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.
Earlier this year, volunteers from Ford Park Community Group were honoured with the award for their dedication and commitment, as they play a huge role in helping to maintain and care for Ford Park. The volunteers carry out a diverse range of tasks as part of a fantastic team from all backgrounds.
Ford Park Community Group is one of 281 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups nationally to receive the prestigious award this year, which aims to recognise outstanding work by volunteer groups to benefit their local communities.
At a simple ceremony on Sunday 20 October, representatives from Ford Park Community Group officially received the award from Clare Hensman, Lord Lieutenant of Cumbria, supported by her deputy Harry Knowles.
Shirley-Anne Wilson, Chair of Trustees for Ford Park Community Group, said: “Receiving this wonderful award is a real tribute to 20 years of dedicated volunteering from all the wonderful people who have helped in so many different ways to make Ford Park the fantastic community asset it is today. It is a beautiful space, open and free to all.
“We are deeply grateful to our volunteers – past and present – who give their time to keep this essential community asset open.
“Volunteers help to maintain and manage the green space, they help at events, keep the garden looking wonderful, whilst providing fresh produce for our community enterprise run café, The Coach House @ Ford Park.
“Many of our volunteers work away quietly and effectively in the background supporting our small team in a multitude of ways. We could not do it without them.
“Today it was lovely to see so many of our volunteers represented at the official hand over of the Queens Award. We are all very proud and the award will have pride of place at Ford Park.”
First published October 2019