Friends of Ford Park is a new group of volunteers who love the park and want to support it.
They do this in many ways; by making things, helping out at events and helping us spread the word about the charity.
The craft group meet in the Garden Room at Ford Park every other Monday, where we chat over a brew, and cake of course, and make things that the charity can sell at events and in our new shop. (Coming soon…)
You don’t need to be crafty to come along. Under expert tuition we’ve made some beautiful jewellery and artwork – and if I can do it, anyone can!
If crafting isn’t for you, there are lots of other things you can do to support your park.
Help out at events, as a steward, run a stall, or serve teas and coffees.
Sell raffle tickets
Help with fundraising.
Help us spread the word by delivering leaflets and posters.
Organise your own fundraising events in aid of the park.
Or tell us what you’re good at and let’s work together.
And don’t forget, if you’re not already a member of Ford Park, joining and donating £3 a month is a huge help too.
If you’d like to get involved in anyway, pop along to one of our Monday sessions, join our Facebook Group or contact Suzanne by email at suzanne.edgley@ford-park.org.uk
Thank you. We really can't do this without you.