Ford Park Arboretum
Back in November 2019, the then Mayor of Ulverston, Councillor Sharon Webster, planted an oak tree at Ford Park. This was the first tree in our native tree arboretum, and National Tree Week (Nov 23 – Dec 1) seemed like the perfect time to embark on this new project.
Our arboretum now has 41 British native trees – they may be small now, but with lots of care they will soon be mighty.
Thank you to the wonderful local businesses and organisations who sponsor our trees.
How many do you recognise?
British Native Trees

(Alnus glutinosa)
Swamp-dweller, water-lover. The wood of this tough tree doesn’t rot when waterlogged, instead turning stronger and harder.
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(Frangula alnus)
Brimstone butterflies love this Alder, and it's also used to make gunpowder, pigments and dyes.

(Fraxinus excelsior)
One of the most common and beloved trees in the UK.
When fully grown, ash trees are tall and graceful and can reach a height of 35m.

(Populus tremula)
Also known as quaking aspen, this is a beautiful tree with shimmering foliage can grow up to 25m in height.

(Fagus sylvatica))
Monumental, majestic, home to rare wildlife. Beech is an enchanting species and known as the queen of British trees and can reach a height of more than 40m

(Betula pubescens)
Soft on the outside. Tough on the inside. This tree, with its fuzzy leaf stalks, shoots and twigs, grows further north than any other broadleaf species.

(Betula pendula)
This common tree, with its silver-white bark, is favoured by gardeners who want to renew and purify their land for coming year.
This tree is also a symbol of purity.

(Prunus spinosa
Early to blossom, blackthorn trees have clouds of snow-white flowers in early spring. They’re best known for their rich, inky, dark fruits used to make a favourite wintry tipple – sloe gin.

(Buxus sempervirens)
Common box is a slow-growing, evergreen tree. Mature trees can grow to a height of 12m. They have a compact habit, with smooth grey bark which fissures with age, and green, downy stems.

(Rhamnus cathartica)
​Named after the laxative effects its berries induce when eaten, purging buckthorn is a small, spiny tree native to England and Wales and throughout Europe.

(Prunus padus)
In spring, this tree has lovely almond scented blossom, loved by nectar eating animals.
Mature trees can grow up to 25meters.

(Prunus avium)
Wild Cherry is one of the prettiest native trees and loved by gardeners and wildlife.
Beautiful blosson in spring becomes a bounty of bright red fruits once pollinated.

(Malus sylvestris)
The Crab apple is a small tree that produces yellow-green, rounded fruit, ideal for making jellies and wines.
When growing wild, the unpicked fruit is a good food source for wildlife.

(Cornus sanguinea)
Wild Cherry is one of the prettiest native trees and loved by gardeners and wildlife.
Beautiful blosson in spring becomes a bounty of bright red fruits once pollinated.

We have a variety of sponsorships opportunities available. If you are a local business, and would like more information, please contact our
Grants, Trust and Fundraising Officer